Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts

Last Updated: Feb. 17th 2022 at 10:05pm Tags: blog cheatsheet linux ubuntu

The purpose of this article is to quickly teach you useful time-saving keyboard shortcuts available in Ubuntu.

I’ve been using Ubuntu since 2006 and I’ve taken the time to learn the keyboard shortcuts.
So much time is wasted by moving your hand to the mouse.
The purpose of this article is to quickly teach you useful time-saving keyboard shortcuts available in Ubuntu.

I don’t like wasting your time so let’s get right to the point.

Lock the screen


I try to do this when I leave my desk for any amount of time, which is multiple times throughout the day.
The above key combination will display the screen saver and then require your password when you return.

Change workspaces


Very useful when switching between projects or tasks!

Minimize your applications


To minimize all your applications and display your desktop try the above key combination.
I don’t user this very often but thought you might

Cycle through your open programs


This is the key combination I use the most!
I use this one more at home then I do at work as at home I don’t have dual monitors.
If you work in web design you switch back and forth between a browser every few seconds.
Not using this key combination would add minutes of time to your work every day and hours per month.

Move applications between workspaces


This one is new to me and I’ve not used it much, now that I know it I’ll try to put it to use.
Please leave a comment of how you use it.

Resize and move windows

  • Move a window press: ALT+F7 then use arrow keys to move window.
  • Resize a window press: ALT+F8 then use arrow keys to move window.

Minimize/Maximize windows

ALT+F9 (minimize)
ALT+F10 (maximize)
ALT+F10 (pressing again will restore to original size)

Run Application


Very handy, but I prefer the terminal

Toggle hidden files in Nautilus


I remember this one from my windows days.
I assume this is common through all operating systems.
Comments Mac users?

Restart X


I use this quite often when I’m configuring displays

Rename a File


F2 renames a file in Nautilus, this is common among most operating systems.



The F5 key combination is probably the most widely know shortcut for web developers as it works in every Linux and Windows browser (not Mac, which is Command + R). F5 also works in Nautilus

Configure your own shortcuts

I mentioned above I prefer to run a terminal over the run command.
As far as I’m aware there is not already a shortcut for doing this (because of CTRL + ALT + F1-F6) so you can edit your preferences.

System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts



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