Server Storage

Last Updated: Feb. 17th 2022 at 7:34pm Tags: blog linux

This article outlines everything I can think of about space on your server drives.

This article outlines everything I can think of about space on your server drives.
What is taking up how much space where.

This guide is for an ssh connection to a Linux server.

First lets see what drives we have or “Display File system” information

#List all of your drives on the machine
df -h

h is the parameter for human readable

Next lets navigate to the directory that you want to check.
This could be root, but in my case it is my shared directory

cd /share/MD0_DATA
#next lets create a report of our directory or "Display Usage"
du -hcd 1
  • h means human readable
  • c means produce a grand total
  • d means max-depth (use –max-depth=1 if your system doesn’t support the d option)

Once you are in the directory which is taking up all your space you can list the files using

ls -lah

This will tell you the human readable file size as a list and include all your hidden files

Use find

If you just want to find all the files over a certain size use the following command:

find / -type f -size +20M -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $NF ": " $5 }'

Try ncdu

ncdu is a nice command line “gui” that can help you navigate the space used on your file system. Check the repositories of your distro.


Check to see if you have run out of inodes by using dh -i.



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