Php Mysql Insert From Array

Last Updated: Apr. 5th 2022 at 2:06am Tags: blog mysql php

I first wrote this article in 2009 when CodeIgniter’s active record class did most of the db work for you.  Eventually I'll update this to talk about my php class helper for MySQL.

I first wrote this article in 2009 when CodeIgniter’s active record class did most of the db work for you. I don’t use code CodeIgniter any more as I’ve created my own php framework. Now in 2021 I find myself again looking for a simple database helper because the mysqli packages in composer do not support php8.

Here is my simple php class helper for mysqli.

*  Creates an sql string from an associate array
*  $table in the db table name
*  $array is the array
*  $insert is optional.  allows a user to use an update
*  V1.0
*  Last Updated Oct 4. 2009
function _arrayToSql($table, $array, $insert = "INSERT INTO") {

  //Check if user wants to insert or update
  if ($insert != "UPDATE") {
    $insert = "INSERT INTO";

  $columns = array();
  $data = array();

  foreach ( $array as $key => $value) {
    $columns[] = $key;
    if ($value != "") {
      $data[] = "'" . $value . "'";
    } else {
      $data[] = "NULL";

    //TODO: ensure no commas are in the values

  $cols = implode(",",$columns);
  $values = implode(",",$data);

$sql = <<<EOSQL
  $insert `$table`
      return $sql;

//End _arrayToSql()



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